Sunday 31 January 2010

Gordon Brown Ain't Got Nothin' On The Sun.

In a way, I feel sorry for the man. He just sulks around, giving the world a light drenching of piss, while everyone INSISTS that they stick it to him. I have no clue what ‘sticking it’ means, but if I was gently pissing on other’s property, and a horde of angry people ran up to me yelling in my face that they were going to ‘stick it to me’, I would be fucking terrified. Everyone’s far too quick to ‘stick it’ to people that are making them pay taxes for things that they themselves frequently use. But what if I was to tell you, that big men in suits with bladder problems AREN’T the people you should be sticking it to? That they aren’t actually the people that run this country. At all. What if I was to tell you that the government didn’t run the country, but actually it was something much darker, much more mysterious, something much more conspiracy based. Something that frequently tells you to stick it to the man. Yes, that’s right; the man is actually…THE MEDIA.

If you hadn’t figured it out on your own, then it’s probably because everyone tells you that the government runs the country, and you listen to them like the moron you are. Sure, the government makes the rules, but what do they make the rules based on? The people’s opinion obviously (in this country anyway), but what do the people’s opinion pretty much consist of? The media’s opinion. Think about it, the media could convince anyone of anything, they say an earthquake in Haiti happens, EVERYONE believes it (I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but if it didn’t, how would we know?), they say some stupid bitch you don’t know but should care about for unexplained reasons got really drunk and did something stupid, then not only do you believe them, but you CARE. The media points everyone in the ‘right’ direction and they all blindly follow. It’s close to mind control, thanks to everyone being unbelievably gullible.

See, my dream is where they cut all that artsy, colourful screwing with your mind shit, and just simply present you with some cold hard facts on a piece of paper, all written in New Times Roman, so you can properly compare products, make a judgment, and not have some bellend staring at you through a crystal ball laughing his tiny arse off as you do exactly as he says. In a completely opposite, worst case scenario, the media could be entirely be bought by one man. The only reason the mind control hasn’t made us into an army of magazine-reading twats is that almost everything in the media is done by different people, and usually they have contrasting views, and since that confuses the fuck out of us, we only stick to one item of each type (Only reading The Sun for instance. If you’re an idiot). But if these contrasting views were dissolved, and left us with ONE newspaper, ONE celebrity, ONE television program, then let’s face it, we’d be screwed.

I just hope an extremist muslim buys it, then at least we’d have half the population blown to shreds. (Another one of my dreams).

1 comment:

  1. Well rupert murdoch isn't far off that extremist muslim, As news corp (owned by him) owns: 20th Century Fox, The rest of Fox, FX, SKY, The Times, The Sun, National Geographic Channel, the IGN network (IGN, rotten tomatoes, askmen, gamespy) myspace,, the sunday times, news of the world, New York Post, the wall street journal, Dow jones, harpercollins,
