Friday 8 January 2010

Blog Wars!

This sounds like a stupidly big deal over nothing, but I'm beginning to believe Tumblr is going to be the death of blogging. Because it's connected to Facebook, I'm constantly getting updates about stuff people are posting on their Tumblr blogs. This didn't start off as bad because people used to actually blog; they would write about something and express their feelings on it. Yeah, their opinions mean nothing just like everyone else, but it was still readable and did actually do what it said on the cyber-tin. But I've noticed that as months pass it's degraded, as if the joint creativity muscles of the Tumblr world are running out of steam, and it's become nothing more than posting a picture and a quote, or sometimes even less.

What's worse is that the picture and quote or line is usually even less meaningful than the dragged out, 'life lessons' ones, and it's usually just, for example, a picture of a shit band and a line underneath saying 'I love these guys'. Oh, fantastic. Well it's great to keep up with your social tornado of a life. You don't actually have anything relatively interesting to say despite your shitty 'about me' section saying 'I LUV 2 BE DIFFERENT, I'M A GREAT AWESOME HAPPY PERSON, I LOVE LIFE, I'M MEGA EXCITING'? It's just become a pretentious attempt at being either 'deep' or 'totally out there in the internet' by the same old Mac-using, Ting-Tings-listening bellend.

It's simply not blogging. It's microblogging. Go back to shitty old Twitter. Blogspot, even if it is some aesthetics-obsessed annoying-accented girl like for example, at least she's fucking writing SOMETHING about what she's interested in, instead of just a picture. If you're going to blog, do it right. 

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